"Kent" Homeopathy Clinic

"KENT" Homeopathic Clinic. C/o Rainbow Children Hospital, 301,Carlton Squre,
opp.madav deep , Dr(Jayanti Gurumukhani Complex) kalanala
Bhavnagar, Gujarat 364001


               Homoeopathy is a science of alternative medicine invented by German Physician & Scientist Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843)., rebellious allopath in 1826 in Germany. Master Hahnemann, at peak of frustration , conceived a unique idea which laid foundation of Homeopathy. He gifted the medical world with golden rule of '' Similia Similibus curenture '' which means let likes be cured by likes .By this he meant that a drug cures in the diseased person , what it caused in healthy persons . He exemplified this with his first drug china . He demonstrated that china [ cinchona bark, having quinine ] cured malaria , because it had ability to produce malaria like symptoms in healthy persons. He perfected this analogical model in next 50 years against all vociferous allopaths. He perfected A to Z of homoeopathy with saintly devotion. Homeopathy is based on few Hahnemannian principles.

  1. Law of similimum --- a drug cures those symptoms in diseased person , which it may cause in healthy persons. To find a remedy ,we need to compare symptoms in a patient, to symptoms of remedies in MATERIA MEDICA, which is data bank of symptoms collected by reputed past homoeopaths. It is like applying a key suitable to our lock from a given bunch of keys.
  2. Law of minimum dose --- it says that minimum possible single dose may be used to minimise side-effects of any medicine.
  3. Medicines are prepared by potentisation.
  4. law of miasms --- if indicated remedy do not work , despite the best possible selection , look for obstruction in cure , which he defined as a miasm [ vitiated atmosphere in body , not conducive to cure by similimum]
  5. Hering's law of cure --- during perfect cure, symptoms may shift from above downward or from vital organs to less vital structures.

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